Members are turning to clubs for more than just traditional club activities. Classes have become a large part of club culture. Class Scheduling enables staff to easily manage classes and allows members to book their favorite classes such as Yoga, Learn to Golf, and Cooking, through a user-friendly interface.
Members can access Class Scheduling on your club’s website and the ClubHouse Online™ Mobile App.
- Register for single classes or courses
- Register themselves, a family member or other club members
- See other members that have registered for a class or course
Thanks to the user-friendly interface, anyone can quickly learn and use the Class Scheduling application with ease.
- Assign instructors
- Schedule classes
- Create courses
- Book a class or course
- The online class and course schedule can be displayed in Calendar and List View.
- The online class and course schedule can be sorted by Time of Day, Class Level, Class Type, Instructor, Location, and Gender.

Club’s can create restrictions for class bookings to manage them more efficiently.
- Club staff can establish advanced booking restrictions
- Classes and courses can be restricted by age and gender
Class Scheduling Made Simple
Class Scheduling enables you to quickly schedule a single, or recurring class, and then assign an instructor. You can even combine multiple classes to create a course, allowing members to register for the entire series at once.

The Booking Search tool allows users to click on an individual member and see all of their upcoming registrations at a glance.